Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chemical Equation:
Ca + H20 ---> CaO + H2

Word Equation:
Calcium + Water ---> Calcium Oxide + Hydrogen gas

1. Pour aqueous solution (water) first in a beaker. You can choose the amount
2. Rationalize the solid solution (calcium metal) to the aqueous solution. Pour the solid chemical into the aqueous solution.
3. Observe and record data.
4. Wash out beaker thoroughly

The reaction produced gas and the calcium bubbled up in the water, In the test tube, the reaction produced rings that moved upward. It would produce a bubble on the top of the test tube and then it would pop. The rings would also blow out a flame. The reaction left a white substance in the test tube (calcium oxide).

 Starting to boil
 Hydrogen gas
 Lighting the match

The rings and bubble

Calcium Oxide

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